Closer- The Full Curse Read online
Page 19
Tammy opened her eyes and took Jenna's hand in hers. Just like Angus had showed her Tammy drew an invisible line down Jenna's palm and copied on her own hand. Without any warning, she locked hands with Jenna.
“Yes!” Jenna smiled. “She knows” her voice was full excitement. Jenna leaped over and gave her friend a big hug. “Yes, Tammy. We can end this.”
“How?” Dante said. “It means getting your leader here. She isn't just going to turn up.”
Jenna pulled away. “She will if she thought Hope was here. Listen, here's the plan....”
Jenna pulled up outside the house. She had once thought was her rightful home. She didn't actually want to go inside not after what happened the last time. The excitement she had felt an hour ago had disappeared and was now replaced with fear.
With her legs shaking, she somehow managed to get out of the car. Slowly doubts were filling her mind, were they actually going to be able to finish this tonight? God, she hoped so. To finally be normal again and live her life without lying to anyone. No more being someone else's property and being told what to do.
Jenna took a deep breath and marched up to the front door. All she had to do was get Glandis to Ashville Manor and after that it was all down to Dante and Sir Renaldo.
Jenna pressed the doorbell and waited eagerly for Glandis to answer. Her heart was racing and her hands shook. She had to regain herself and quickly. She couldn't mess this up, it was time Glandis got what she deserved. She was evil, cruel and most of all Jenna hated her. She deserved to die and she had to die tonight.
The door opened and there she stood before Jenna. Her eyes immediately looked at the woman's natural beauty. Her long red hair brought out her pure blue eyes, a perfect oval face with full red lips. A year ago, she had been in awe of this woman, but now she hated her.
“Jenna” she purred. “What a delightful surprise. Do come in,” she held the door open. Jenna shook her head and refused to enter. “Something the matter?” Her voice had now turned ice cold and Jenna felt herself flinch.
“No” Jenna smiled. “Today is your lucky day, Glandis. The blood sucker's baby is home and is waiting for you.”
Glandis's mouth twitched into a smile. “Really?” She gasped. “It is finally pay day” she joked. The smile quickly dropped off her face and her eyes glared at Jenna. “Why did you not bring her yourself?”
Jenna knew she was going to ask that question. “Because,” she forced a grin on her face, but she was beyond scared now. How Glandis hadn't caught on was beyond her. “I thought you would prefer to collect what is yours and maybe have some fun at the parasites expense.”
Glandis clapped her hands in delight. “Oh, I like that idea.” She re-entered the house and Jenna finally let out a deep breath. That had gone easier than she had thought. She just prayed everything else would go exactly to plan.
Dante couldn't remain still, one minute he was sitting, then standing and then pacing around the room. Just watching him was making Tammy feel dizzy. Unlike Dante she remained quiet and still as she thought about what was going to happen.
A part of her was scared and the other half excited that she would be fulfilling her Gran's wish. She had never expected it to be quite as soon. She wasn't prepared for any of this. She looked up at the clock and the time seemed to be going faster than she assumed.
Jenna would be back soon and Tammy would be face to face with Angus's murderer. Fear exploded inside her and now the doubts were beginning to creep in.
“This is ridiculous” Dante snapped, breaking the silence. “We have actually put all our trust in a witch.” He let out a little air from his mouth and ran his hands through his thick dark air. “How do we know this isn't some set up?”
“Quiet” Sir Renaldo snapped. “I believe her. She is risking her own life for us, Dante. This Glandis woman is dangerous and there is no predicting what she is capable of.”
Dante threw his hands in the air. “Great,” he snapped with annoyance. “And you are just handing Tammy over to her.” Dante stood up yet again. “You put a witch before my wife.”
“Dante” Tammy sighed. “Please, stop this.”
“Stop this?” His voice roared, he walked over to where Tammy was sitting and dropped to his knees. “Did you not hear what my father just said?”
“Yes... But...”
“But nothing!” His head now resting in Tammy's lap and his arms locking around her waist. “I can't lose you, Tammy. We can do what you wanted. We can stop this, wait for Hope to come home and leave. We can go anywhere you want...”
Tammy could feel Dante's hot tears sinking through the fabric of her dress. Her fingertips began to play with his hair. For the first time in their relationship she had to be the strong one. Everyone seemed to have faith in her -- Gran, Sir Renaldo and Jenna.
She had to do this, running away was not going to give anyone any closure. She had spent her whole life feeling worthless, hiding away with books because she felt she was too poor to fit in. Always seeing herself as nothing but a pale too thin little girl, who wasn't going anywhere?
Tammy took in a deep breath and blinked back her tears. “Look at me,” she softly said. Dante's beautiful sculpted face looked up at her, his dark eyes filled with tears. Her tiny hands cupped his face. With a fingertip she wiped away a falling tear. “Everything is going to be fine. This is fate,” she smiled. “This was always going to happen. Everything we have done or spoken about has led to this. Can't you see?”
Dante shook his head. “When did you get so brave?”
“The day I met you” she sweetly smiled which Dante returned. “I love you and no one will ever take me away from you. We are going to finish this together.” Tammy leaned over and brushed her lips against Dante's. Instantly, she felt that electric current rip through her body. “We will end this.”
“And it looks like it is time,” Sir Renaldo said as he stood up. “Dante, take Tammy to the banquet hall.” Dante rose from the floor and held out his hand for Tammy. “Good luck, Tammy” he said before the pair disappeared from the room.
Chapter Twenty two
Jenna looked up at Ashville manor and then at Glandis by her side. This was it. They were going to do it. Jenna swallowed hard. All she had to do was escort Glandis to that banquet hall and leave the rest to the Renaldo's.
Glandis walked up the steps to the front door and reached for the door handle. “I would knock” she laughed. “But I think they have been expecting me for a while.” With that, she stepped into the manor with Jenna following behind. She stopped and took in a deep breath. “Ugh, that smell makes me sick.” Her head whipped round to Jenna. “Let's get this over with, shell we?”
Jenna just nodded and slowly guided Glandis to the banquet hall. Her nerves were really starting to get the better of her now. She had no idea why her legs hadn't given way on her. She could taste the bile creeping up her throat and she was fighting back tears.
She had silently prayed the whole car journey that nothing would go wrong. The thought of something happening to her best friend made her sick. She couldn't lose Tammy. She couldn't imagine her never being there again.
Jenna stopped when she reached the, door, with shaking hands, she pushed it open. There was no turning back down. Her eyes slowly looked over at Dante and Sir Renaldo standing in the middle of the room.
Glandis pushed past her and marched in. “Well,” she cackled. “It seems we have a welcoming comity. How very thoughtful of you both.” Her evil eyes fell on Sir Renaldo. “Haven't you grown and this must be your son.” Her eyes now turned to Dante. “Ah yes,” she smiled as she walked closer. “You are the spitting image of your foolish uncle.”
Dante went to launch at her, but Sir Renaldo pulled him back. “And you have his spirit too. Let's not make this any harder than it already is. Just give me what is mine and I will be on my way.”
The banquet hall door slammed shut, making Glandis spin round. Tammy stared
at her while she clutched the dagger in her hand. For the first time in her life she felt powerful. Her heels clicked on the floor as she walked a little closer.
“There is no baby” Jenna laughed as she took her place by Tammy's side. “Well, not here anyway.”
Before Glandis could move, Dante's arm locked around her neck. “Shall we use your words?” He said in amusement. “Let’s not make this any harder than it already is.” His other arm reached for Glandis's hand.
“FOOLS!” Glandis yelled as she tried to break free of Dante's hold of her. “You think your little Black Swan is just going to walk up to me and stick that dagger in my hand?” A loud ear hurting laugh escaped her lips and echoed around the whole hall.
Her head slowly turned to Dante's direction. “You first, sweetie.” Before Dante could react, she spat in his face. Dante immediately let go, his face burned and his eyes were blinded.
Dante collapsed onto the floor. “Aw,” she mocked as she circled Dante. “Did that hurt?” Her fingers locked into his hair and she pulled it with force. “Look at you... Not so cocky now, are we?”
“LEAVE HIM!!!” Jenna screamed. “If you want to hurt someone.... Hurt me!”
Glandis's eyes slowly looked over at Jenna. “Don't worry sister,” she laughed. “You are definitely next on my list.” Her attention went back to Dante and she started stroking his hair as if he was some pet. “What shall we do?”
“Please” Tammy begged, she could tell by Dante's face, he was full of pain.
“Isn't that sweet” Glandis hissed, she tugged on Dante's hair, making him wince and stand up. “She loves you and will do anything for her disgusting parasite husband.” Her grips of Dante’s hair loosen and she reached into her bag.
This time she spun round to face Sir Renaldo. “I do have to admit” she casually began as she played with her own dagger. “You did fascinate me with your feeding methods. I didn't think you would be so civilized. When I cursed you I wanted you to go round sucking Britain dry.”
“My ancestors were not monsters,” Sir Renaldo replied as he watched Glandis move closer towards him. “We are not monsters.” A smug smile danced around Glandis lips and Sir Renaldo felt the cold blade of the dagger against his skin.
The burning sensation finally disappeared and Dante opened his eyes. That woman was next to his father with a blade. Something snapped inside him and he once again launched at her. This time successful pinning her to the ground. Dante felt something sharp dig into his side and he screamed out in pain.
“NOOOO!!” Tammy cried as she tried to rush to her husband. Glandis let out another laugh. Tammy watched as blood poured out of Dante and he moved around in pain. She dropped to his side and cradled him in her arms. “Dante... Speak to me!”
“Now it is your turn” Glandis spat in Jenna's direction. Jenna froze as Glandis grabbed her round the neck and pushed her against the wall. “You thought you could trick me” Jenna once again couldn't breath as Glandis grip got tighter. “Such a foolish little girl.”
Tammy watched as Glandis raised the dagger covered in Dante's blood. She had to do something and she had to do something now. Sir Renaldo was now next to her side and he was trying to stop the bleeding.
Tammy's eyes focused on a silver candlestick, she had to act quickly and she had to act now. She carefully released Dante and scrambled up on to her feet. The adrenaline rushed through her body and she was moving before she recognized. She grabbed hold of the candlestick and without even thinking about it smashed Glandis in the back of the head.
Glandis dropped to the floor and Jenna was free. Jenna ran over to where Tammy had left the dagger and kicked in Tammy's direction. Everything happened quickly, the second Tammy's hand touched the dagger she plunged it into her own hand and then into Glandis.
“No!” Glandis screamed as their hands locked together and their blood mixed.
A black mist emerged from Glandis's body and filled the room. Tammy closed her eyes as a sudden pain filled her body. An ear piercing high pitch sound escaped from Glandis's lips.
Then everything went quiet....
Tammy fell back into the floor and stared up at the ceiling. Her heart was racing and her breathing erratic. Tammy closed her eyes again, she felt weak and sleepy. Her hand felt numb and a cold chill filled her body.
“Tammy” breathed a caring voice. “Are you okay?” Tammy couldn't reply. She couldn't find the strength to speak. “Tammy, wake up!”
Within a flash Tammy felt all the sensations disappear and her eyes flung open. Jenna was sitting by her side, her face full of concern. A massive smile filled her face when she saw Tammy looking up at her.
Tammy quickly sat up and locked eyes with Dante. She jumped to her feet and flung herself in his arms. Wait! Tammy thought to herself. She took a step back and tried to search the stab wound, but it had disappeared. There was no blood anywhere. Her eyes searched the room Glandis was gone too.
Tammy looked down at her own hand, which was still bleeding. “What... Where... How...?” She dropped to the floor and just stared down at her hand.
“It's over” Dante smiled as he fell to Tammy's side. Just like he did in London, he pulled his T-shirt over his head and wrapped it round Tammy's hand. “You did it,” he placed a kiss on her cheek.
“But she stabbed you... Where has she gone?”
“The dead can't hurt you” Tammy' eyes looked up at Dante. He was breath taking. His dark eyes had now turned a stunning sparkling bright blue.
“Your eyes” Tammy was mesmerized by them.
“I know,” he smiled back. “I can feel it... The thirst has gone and my body feels alive.” With his free hand, he locked his fingertips in Tammy's hair and brought her lips up to his. “I'm not a vampire anymore.” His lips locked onto Tammy's and they fell into earth moving passionate kiss.
One year later......
Tammy and Dante walked hand in hand through the grounds of Ashville Manor. The sun was shining and the sky was bright blue. Tammy placed a hand on her growing belly. Life was wonderful. She had everything she needed.
Dante looked at his wife from the corner of his eye. She was beautiful, even more beautiful now than she was the day they met. He chuckled to himself as he remembered the little thing sat on the bed refusing to speak to him and when she did, it was nothing but questions.
“What is funny?”
Dante stopped moving and turned Tammy to face him. “Just remembering stuff.” His arms locked around Tammy's waist and he pulled her into him. “You make me so happy Mrs Renaldo.”
“Do I now?” She joked, as her own hands locked around Dante's strong neck. “Why don't you show me?”
“Is that a challenge?” Dante growled as he placed kisses along Tammy's neck.
“Maybe,” she teased, his kisses felt like heaven and that slow desire swirled around in the bottom of her stomach. Without warning, Dante scooped Tammy up in his arms and she gave a little squeal of delight. Dante marched back in the direction of their cottage.
Before they entered Tammy looked up at the sky and mouthed the word 'sorry'. After all, she didn't know who would be watching....
More books by Kam Carr
Bring me to life (#1 golden collection)
Sweet immortal (#2-golden collection)
Thoughtless Sacrifice (#3-golden collection)
Closer-part 1
Closer- part 2
Closer –part 3
The mercy of Devotion
Wide awake
The Golden Collection (3 books in 1)
Closer- the full curse (3 books in1)
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