Closer- The Full Curse Read online

Page 16

  “Has Dante told you about the story about the children going missing?”

  Tammy thought for a second, how could she forget that. “Isn't that all made up?”

  “No, that did happen. That witch lured him and his brothers there. She had planned to kill them, but they begged and begged. She knew the history of our family and she knew what we craved for more. If a girl is born, the vampire bloodline will end. However, if we hand her over...” Sir Renaldo stopped and took in a deep breath. “Then we have to continue living the way we are.”

  “Surely by now it should all be forgotten...?”

  “It can't,” he cut her off. “They will not rest till we receive our punishment for killing their kind. They want to watch us suffer, they want what we need and they want to take it away from us.” A small smile hit his lips. “I guess in away after everything you could call it a curse.”


  “Why did you come?” hissed a voice, Jenna stopped in her tracks. She slowly turned on heel and looked at Dante stood at the front door. His face cold and hard, his eyebrows almost meeting.

  “I don't need to answer to you,” she snapped, turning back round and racing to her car. Within a second Dante was stood in front of her. “Leave me alone, bloodsucker!”

  “Is that the best insult you can think of?” He smirked, he was blocking her from moving anywhere and his stink was hurting her nose. “Stay away...”

  “I can't! And you know that...”

  “Tammy is your friend, why would you do this to her?”

  “Excuse me?” Jenna looked mortified. “You think I am getting any pleasure from this? I wish Tammy wasn't married to you. I tried to talk her out of being with you, freak! This isn't about Tammy, is it? You owe us and you will pay up.”

  “Pathetic!” He snarled. It was taking all his restraint not to throw her across the driveway. She looked so smug, how could she proud of what she was, what she was intending to do one day. “Get out of my face, hag!”

  A little smile sprung to her lips, her first ever insult. “Gladly, parasite.” Dante stepped away and walked back into his house. That smile slowly fell, why wasn't she getting any enjoyment from this. It was about time these dirty filthy vampires paid up. Then it hit her like a ton of bricks, the only one in all of this who would suffer was Tammy.

  Jenna quickly got in her car, she had to get away from this place, and it was starting to affect her head. She had told herself time and time again this wouldn't get personal. This was what she had been born to do. She was the one everyone was relying on.

  Jenna could feel her eyes filling to the brim with tears. She had to somehow forget about her friendship with Tammy, she had to be stronger. How? How could she turn her back on Tammy? That's was something she didn't know.


  Tammy sat on the floor in her new home. The book lay open in front of her. She was in two minds about reading it. Did she want to learn all the ugly history that came with this family she had married into? For a brief second she thought about running back to the safety of her own family home. Her love for Dante was too strong and she needed him just as much as oxygen.

  Tammy pulled her knees up to her chest, this wasn't fair... She heard the cottage door open then close.

  Dante kneeled down beside her. “What is that?” He pointed to the book and pulled it towards him.” Don’t tell me... My father?” He laughed. “Typical! Likes the facts to be known.” He pushed the book away. He no longer wanted to think about witches or curses. He turned to face Tammy, she looked tired and pale. What Tammy had suggested on their honeymoon was beginning to look appealing. He shifted towards Tammy and pulled her into him. “I'm sorry,” he whispered into her hair.

  “It isn't your fault” Tammy closed her eyes and just enjoyed being in Dante's safe arms. “It's just becoming real.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  The last eight months had been a mixture of emotions for Tammy. She had experience joy, excitement, fear, lost, love and unbearable grief. Life was no longer as easy as it was before, no longer could she lose herself in a book and shut the world out.

  A hand moved down to her swollen and ever growing stomach. Her eyes shut tightly close, she hated her condition. She felt invaded and used, nothing about it made her happy. She hated the feel of that thing growing inside her. She remembered the day she knew something was wrong and how the first person she had confided in had given her hope....

  She stepped into her parent’s house and up the stairs. She felt rough and badly, needed to see her grandmother. She stepped into the bedroom and her Gran was propped up in bed watching television. Tammy's heart dropped, her grandmother looked frail, her cheeks had become hollow, her hair was thinner and her skin was beginning to look grey.

  Her Gran's eyes slowly turned to face her and little smile sprung to Tammy's lips. In spite of everything ageing was doing to her Gran, she still that sparkle in her eyes. Tammy walked over and perched on the bed next to her grandmother.

  “Something is wrong child?” Her grandmother croaked. Her voice not much more than a whisper. Tammy nodded and once again felt the lump in her throat. “Will you tell me?”

  “I...I” Tammy shook her head, to announce it out loud scared her to death. To admit what she was. To accept what was happening to her was her worst nightmare. “I can't do it,” she sobbed.

  “Ah, I see” Tammy's eyes turned to her grandmother. “Have you told your husband?”

  “No!” Tammy snapped. They were barely speaking to each other the last few days. Mainly because she couldn't bear to see or hear his reaction. He would go crazy and blame it all on her. He didn't feel he was ready to take on his family's curse. Somehow, she had managed to get pregnant. Even though she had been careful and remembered to take her pill every day. He was going to hate her and she couldn't deal with that.

  Dante was her first and only love. He had shown her the world. In fact, he had been her only focus, the only person she could connect to. Now this, the thought of losing him was devastating. She would rather die than live without him. Her perfect little world was beginning to crumble around her and she didn't have the strength to fight.

  “Oh Gran,” She placed her hand over her mouth and tried to swallow back her cries. “He will hate me....”

  “Hate you? Why?”

  “I just know... I just know” she froze, the words she was about to say were unspeakable. She watched as her grandmother nodded. Thank god she knew what Tammy was trying to say. “I can’t go through this. I can't grow this thing inside and give it up...”

  “Child! They have told you...” Tammy nodded, while she wiped the only tear falling from her cheek. “You have nothing to fear. Find the book... Read the book and you will have nothing to fear.” Tammy gripped hold of her Gran's hand. “You're the one Tammy, the one that will end all of this.”

  Tammy opened her eyes and was once again, she was crying. It felt like she had been crying for weeks. Her eyes were sore and her nose stung.

  “My sweet Tammy” Dante sang as he lay down behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. He hated seeing her like this. She was barely talking, not eating and never coming out of this bedroom. His own hand rested on her bump, “You really should eat.”

  “Not hungry,” she sobbed... The last two weeks had been dreamlike, a horrible dream she couldn't snap herself out of. Every time she thought she had moved on, something else would remind her and the whole process would start again. A never ending circle of heart wrenching grief....

  It had been just an ordinary day. Dante had dropped Tammy off at work in spite of his constant nagging Tammy wasn't listening. She couldn't sit around at home feeling like a balloon, she had to keep herself busy. It kept her mind off things and away from that book she had read endlessly for months. There wasn't nothing in there, no mentions of how to overcome anything.

  Tammy walked into the bookshop and Mrs Waters was sitting at the counter just like every morning eating her breakfast; yoghurt and a ban
ana. How she wasn't bored of it Tammy had no idea. Mrs Water's looked up and smiled.

  “Tammy, you should be at home resting.”

  Tammy rolled her eyes and placed her bag down on the counter. “No, what I should be doing is working.” Tammy pulled out a chair and sat down. Her ankles seemed to be swelling up everyday. Surely, she couldn't get any fatter, she thought as her hands rested perfectly on her bump.

  “Not long now” Mrs Water's smiled, taking another bite of her banana... The words sent a chill down Tammy's spine. “I am surprised Dante hasn't locked you away. He didn't look very happy yesterday.”

  Tammy rolled her eyes. She couldn't believe Dante had made a scene like that yesterday, yelling at her in the street like a child and dragging her off. It was the stress starting to get to him, and the guilt from feeding off her, well, that didn't help either.

  The honest truth was Tammy no longer felt safe at Ashville Manor or her own home. They had moved into the cottage the night they had arrived home from their honeymoon. The lack of sleep wasn’t helping her much either. She was swore this thing inside of her was going to kick it's self out.

  Sadness swept over her... It wasn't a thing and she felt bad at calling it that. It was a baby, but there was no point in bonding or naming or preparing anything.

  “Tammy!” Yelled a voice, her eyes looked over at the door. He was breathing heavily, his jaw tight and her eyes wide. Tammy hoped he wasn't going to start again. They had only just got over the argument over breakfast.

  Tammy held her hands up, what was the point. She might as well give into him. At least she wouldn't have to deal with the glares and the tutting. “Fine!” She snapped. “You get your own way.” She grabbed her bag and pushed herself off the chair. Surely, she wouldn't get any bigger! Everything was beginning to become a physical challenge.

  “Tammy” he said softly, walking towards her. “This has nothing to do with you working.” His arms reached out for her face, he gently rubbed his thumb down her cheek. His eyes narrowed and his mouth turned down at the sides. “It is your grandmother.....”

  Tammy clutched her chest, every time she thought about that day it seemed as if she unable to breath. How was she going to face life now without the one person who seemed to understand? Once again, she couldn't hold back her tears. Exactly what was the point of life now?

  “Please” Dante pleaded, he hated this. Nothing would entice her out of this grief. “Talk to me. Would you let me in please?”

  Tammy slowly turned to face him a swallowed hard. Her beautiful husband was still by her side. That was something to be grateful for, wasn't it? At least he was never going to go away. The second the thought crossed her mind, she cringed. Although, fate might not be on their side.

  “We're damned, Dante” she hissed. “The clock keeps ticking and nothing is going to prevent what is about to happen.” Her hand graced over her growing stomach. “Let's go,” she slowly sat up, wiping her tears away. “Let's flee and never come back. I can live with always looking over my shoulder. Please, let us all stay together.”

  Dante let out a sigh. They had already had this conversation. It was tempting, very tempting. How many times he had thought about it. It would be a waste of time, no matter how hard they tried to get away... They would come and no doubt it would end in blood. He reached out and softly touched Tammy's tear stained face. Nothing was going to stop what was about to happen.

  “You need to eat,” he forcefully said. “And you will, Tammy. Then afterwards we are going for a walk. You need to get out of this room and get fresh air.” He slowly rose from the bed. “I am not going to argue, just do this for me, please.” He turned on his heel and marched out of the room.

  Dante made his way to the kitchen and began to get to task. He could feel himself beginning to get ill and restless. Half way through he couldn't continue, his fist hit the kitchen side and he screamed in frustration. Life wasn't far-- well, he wasn't. He had everything he thought he didn't want.

  He heard faint footsteps behind him and sniffed back his tears. He couldn't show his emotions any more, he had to be the strong one. He had to hold everything together until this nightmare was over. One sign of weakness showed those hags they had won and he would rather die than give them that satisfaction.

  “Dante,” his father called out. “Allow me,” he said as he came behind Dante and removed the knife out of his son's hand. Dante reluctantly loosened his grip and allowed his father to take over.

  Dante moved out the way and slumped over the kitchen side. His face in his hands and his fingers gripping hold of his hair. The pain in his throat didn't bother him that much. The pain in his heart however was throbbing.

  “How is she?” His father asked. His voice warm and soothing.

  Dante shook his head, this wasn't happening? This was all a bad dream... He took in a deep breath of air and slid to the floor, cradling himself. Maybe now would be okay, Dante gasped and finally the tears were falling down his cheek. The guilt was eating him alive, why had he chosen Tammy? There was a room full of people, but yet she was the only one that had allured him in.

  “Dante” his father was now by his side. “You need to talk to me.”

  “About what?” He choked on his own tears. “I have done nothing but destroy her. I have scared her and now she is willing to give away our children.” Dante paused, the devastation hit him hard. “I would rather die than let this carry on, father.”

  “I feared this” his father said, Dante slowly looked into his father's eyes. “You are more like my brother than I thought. They cannot win, son. There is away, but only Tammy can find this way. You picked the perfect one. Deep within herself, she knows what to do. Edwina has probably been telling and she hasn't realized. She knows...”

  “Knows what?” Dante was now in a state of confusion. How would Tammy know? He didn't even know. His head was spinning and he wished this would go away. Maybe this was a nightmare and wasn't actually happening. Yeah, who was he trying to kid.

  “Tell me what?” He hissed his jaw tight and his eyes blazing with anger. The anger wasn't directed at his father, but at himself for allowing his wife to get pregnant. For his stupidity and lack of thought or care.

  His father didn’t have a chance to explain as out the blue an ear hurting, blood curdling scream echoed through the Ashville Manor walls. Dante jumped up with fear, his first thought was Tammy. He raced out of the kitchen, up the stairs and slammed into the bedroom.

  What Dante was looking at was something out of a horror film; he closed his eyes and took in a deep breath. His throat tightened, his nostrils flared and his focus seemed to be on the blood and not Tammy. His feral instinct was beginning to take over his body, the screaming was blocked out, him being pushed out of the way, even his father shaking him and yelling in his face. All Dante wanted was to taste Tammy's blood.

  Tammy looked up at Claudia, then back at Dante frozen in the doorway. The pain in her stomach exploded through her body. Why was he stood there like a statue? What was happening to her?

  There was so much blood... Somehow panic took over the pain and a maternal hand rested on her growing stomach. Her baby? Her Baby? What was happening to her baby? Tammy screamed again, her tears stinging her eyes.

  “Claudia” she sobbed, her bloody hands gripping hold of Claudia's arms, as she tried to remain standing. “What is going on? You have to save my baby... You have to save my baby...” Her words began to slur from her mouth, her head began to spin and then everything went black.


  Jenna sat in her car and just stared at the hospital entrance. It had been days now since Tammy had been rushed in and she hadn't heard one word about the baby. She hated being left in the dark. The grand one had been calling and was beginning to get impatient.

  Jenna rested her head on the steering wheel and began to inhale deep breaths. She had prayed every night that nothing had happened to Tammy or the baby. She wouldn't know what to do without her best friend. She woul
dn't know how to comfort her if something happened to the baby.

  She quickly sat up and brushed away her tears. Guilt was now invading her body and her hands were shaking. She looked over at the hospital entrance, what was she doing? For months upon months she had been planning on kidnapping her best friend's baby. For what? Herself or Glandis?

  Instantly she began to feel used. Anger now replaced guilt. No! She wasn't going to do it, not after the way Glandis had spoken to her today....

  “Jenna!” She hissed her name. “I believe you are lying to me...”

  Jenna sucked in a breath. “No, I have told you. Tammy was rushed into hospital and no one has heard anything.”

  “I swear to god, Jenna!” She yelled, she picked up a vase and threw it against the wall. It made Jenna jump and it smashed into a thousand pieces. Jenna watched as her leader's eyes grew wide and darted crazily from side to side. Slowly she moved into Jenna's personal space. “I WANT THAT BABY! SHE IS MINE!!!” She screamed as she placed a hand around Jenna's neck and pushed her back into the wall.

  She could feel the tears building up in her eyes and she found it hard to breath. The woman she had once admired was now crushing her windpipe. Jenna felt her eyes bulging out of her sockets. “Please,” she begged. “I will do it.”

  “You will go to the hospital now and find out everything,” she demanded, Jenna just nodded and in that moment her throat was free. She took in a large lung full of air and brought her own hand up to her throat. “Please don't upset me again” her voice was sweet this time and she disappeared out of the room.

  Once again Jenna slammed her fist on the steering wheel. There was no way a woman like her was fit to bring up a child. This was just about stupid revenge, stupid revenge that should of ended centuries.

  Well, after what happened, she wasn't having any of it. Jenna picked up her bag and got out of her car. She was going to find Dante and help them all escape Ashville. She no longer cared, she would let Glandis take her life if it meant Tammy, Dante and the baby were safe.